Mobile compressors for heavy-duty construction work

C85-14 – C140-9

  • Volume flow 8.6 to 13.3 m3/min
  • Operating pressure 5 to 14 bar
  • Engine power 90 or 105 kW
  • Permissible gross weight 2,160 kg

Место на аплицирање

  • Дупчење (стабилизација на карпи, дупчење бунари за геотермална енергија)
  • Реновирање на зграда и мост
  • Прскање на бетон
  • Прскање/прскање на боја; минирање со песок и сув мраз
  • Производство на кабли со оптички влакна
  • Изградба на цевковод

Без разлика дали е изградба на патишта, нискоградба или реновирање – дизајнирана за најтешките услови на градилиштето, оваа серија импресионира со својата доверливост, квалитетот на компримиран воздух и леснотијата на сервисирање и има релативно натпросечно стандардна опрема. Напојувањето од 24 волти гарантира најдобри карактеристики за стартување дури и при ниски температури. Долговечноста дополнително се подобрува со автоматско безбедносно исклучување. Опремен со енергетски ефикасен дизел мотор Deutz TCD4.1 L4 со електронско вбризгување и филтер за дизел честички, погонската единица го исполнува стандардот за емисии на EU Stage V. Опремен со FPM (флексибилно управување со енергија).


Maximum efficiency of the screw compressor developed and  produced according to the latest methodsHigh degree of efficiency means lower energy use and less  consumption
Reliable, robust and fuel-saving DEUTZ TCD4.1 L4 series engine f ulfils stage V of the EU emission standard
–    Diesel Particle Filter (DPF) as standard
–    Ready to fulfil the pending EU emission standard stage V
–    Use of the compressor even in special environmental zones
 Future-proof investment in relation to the ongoing exhaust policy Unlimited use even in environmental zones (obligation to use a  diesel particle filter)
Lower fuel requirements, lower operating costs
FPM – Flexible Power ManagementFPM adapts the delivery quantity and the pressure of the compressor to the respective requirements.
Eased engine start-upEasy on the engine and increases the service life
Seamless volume flow control, tailored to the actual air consumptionReduces fuel consumption and ensures an environmentallyfriendly working method that is easy on the materials, as well as even 
 running performance in all operating states
Car body made of corrosion-resistant, galvanised and screwed i ndividual sheets of metal with inserted insulating matsFaster and more cost-effective replacement in the case of damage
Large, wide-opening gull-wing doors with robust gas springs. 
 Additional openings make servicing, e.g. cleaning the cooler, possible
All service-related components are easily accessible;  
easier access in the case of maintenance. Faster maintenance
Easily accessible and easy to read instrument panel with large,  user-friendly displayAll of the required information can be seen at a glance
The positive operating pressure can be set quickly and easily via the keyboard in increments of 0.1 barCan be used on building sites even under difficult conditions
Additional, highly visible all-round lightEarly warning in the case of fuel or Ad Blue problems, for example
Standard fuel filter with water separatorReliable protection of the injection system and the motor against contamination in the fuel
Separate air filter with safety cartridgeOptimum operational reliability and investment protection
24 V operating voltageEnsures excellent start-up and cold-start behaviour
Ergonomic, easily accessible hose connectionsProtection from damage to connections, protects the hoses
Operating weight below 2 200 kgCan also be used with suitable, smaller towing vehicles
Option: Generator: 9 or 15kVA,  low speed regulated diesel engine (1,765 rpm)With a volume flow of approx. 8 m³ / min, the full generator capacity is available with favorable fuel consumption

c85 Portable Datasheet Non-EU
